Monday, October 26, 2009

OMG Halfalump is out of shape
See how dirty they are to turn the water into this colour?
Blogged @ 10/26/2009 10:48:00 PM |
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So happy finally after losing 4 games they won again :)
I think Chelsea fans like Jay is super happy coze they have take over Man u at the current position to be the 1st haha ...
But Man u fan like wee teck would be so unhappy
And Liverpool fan like huang saying "i got the feeling" feels super happy for this winning game haha
Whatever is it, losing and winning always happen in a game so take it easy :)
I'm wearing jersey to school today hee...
Having dinner with my dearest son after school today
Hope he is feeling better
Son, mummy is here k :)
Blogged @ 10/26/2009 12:33:00 PM |
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Daily Report :)

2nd lesson and the com is giving problem
Needed 5 ppl to repair it haha ...
Wasted some time for lesson before the actual start

Went to Vivo with Charles after doing our FYP :)
Fell sick and had to attend 2 meetings
At least meeting was fun
I just love meeetings !!!
More meetings please haha ....
Dinner with Farhan and Alvin at Malay coffee shop @ Clementi

Thursday i'm down to serious flu :(
But still have to work after my class ends ...
Friday, after school, went to meet my brother, Benjamin for dinner @ IMM
We ate SWENSENS hahah....
My dinner was 2 ice cream hee... with some fries :)
Full like ....
Couldnt even finish my Forsted Chocolate Melt hee...
But i recommend the ice cream cake coze its super super super nice !
After meeting bro, went back home and dear came over to accompany me !
Finally i got to see him
He told me his new lappy cost $2450 and i was like shocked for 10 mins or even more ?
Wth 2pid lap top cost so much ...
WTH WTH hahah ....
Preparing to go sschool :)
Having disicpline briefing later and yr 1 2ND TEST !!!!
What's gonna happen today ?
Will update soon :)
Blogged @ 10/24/2009 07:26:00 AM |
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Monday, October 19, 2009
My Day With My Boy :)

Travel all the way to Simei in the early afternoon to collect the bag i bought and another thing
Met with with dear dear about 20 mins later before we went to Tampines
We caught a movie "CLOUDY AND THE MEAT BALLS" 3D
We didnt know the show was 3D hahah, upon buying the tickets then we realise
Soemore i'm wearing specs OMG
The show was alright only
didnt really like it?
This few weeks there isnt much movie which interest me alot sadzz
haha ...
We went home after the movie coze there's nth much to do

Rested for a while before bringing Rocky out for a walk :)
Dear tried not to hold onto him, so he placed the chain on the floor
Dear tried not to hold onto him, so he placed the chain on the floor
And he doesnt know about it haha ...
Lucky tat he didnt know if not he would have run so far that we wont be able to catch him back
Rocky hurts himself alot yesterday
When we just leave the house, he was so excited tat when dear pull him back, he FLEW !!!!
REALLY FLEW turning one round
And i was like shocked !!!!
Later on he hit his head becoze he wanted to go under a lorry
After knocking his head on the lorry, he dropped into the drain haha !!!
Poor thing seriously
2pid dog haha !
Silly dog
But i know he enjoys it
I wanna look for dog farm to bring him there !
I wan him to be happy :)
Came back home and he had a bath
So relaxing and comfortable, having people to bath for him, comb his hair, blow his hair dry haha...
He fell asleep later on muahahha !!

After everything, leave house and went to CITY PLAZA to have dinner at Aronld's (I forgot the word haha)
Its a halal fastfood store like KFC, but taste much better than tat :)
People should try it out there ! :)
On the train, i saw a pregnant lady
Her complexion was super nice, almost flawless
But she's super super young hmmmm
Blogged @ 10/19/2009 07:57:00 AM |
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Weekend before school reopen

FRiday was my last day of work at NTU, NIE :)
Boss brought me to JP for a NICE, FULL lunch heee
And we had lunch for 2 hrs ! ahhaha ...
It's the longest lunch i had while i'm in NTU muahahah ...
Chat with my boss throughout the whole lunch break
She's really nice
She told me that i can go back to work anytime
But just inform her at the beginning of the week :)
How great is it ...

Had meeting in school
And was supposed to meet up with my TDC exco committee
Good job
In the end there was only me and Alvin
REally great
But nvm, we still go on with the meeting etc
I'll be holding another meeting most probably on Wed together with the 3rd language course meeting
Seriously angry
Ok fine ...
After meeting, since Kt and Farhan is also having meeting, waited for them
Then we decided to go Bugis coze tat gal wanna buy bag haha
In the end when we were in Bugis, she didnt get to buy her bag while i get to buy a dress heee
HAPPY ! :)
We went to have desert too
So nice haha ...
All our desert was nice except Alvin's hhaa ..

Walked to Arab Street to buy my bling bling later on
Walked quite alot yesterday around Bugis before Alvin and Farhan went home
Oh ya, we went to eat MUTARBAK too !!!!
As usual for yesterrday, everyone's food was nice except !
ALVIN!!! !
Hahaah... he's really dame unlucky yesterday
So we decided to call tat BOTAK BOY below haha ..

Yea it's ZK !
I couldnt even recognise him whhen i first saw him haha
So shocked tat our ex president have grown fatter in the 1st two weeks of BMT
He got tanned too
Looking more like a man than a boy now haha
Gd Gd ZK grow more muscle and you will be great haha !
Tat boy was grumbling about hw tried and "DOG" was he in this 2 weeks ahaha ...
Seriously grumbling for almost 2 hours of all his "DOG" stories heee
He will be booking in soon at 945 am today
Poor thing hahah ...
Oh, dear dear was in SP yesterday too
For his 2pid rock climbing competition
But he didnt win
It was my first time seeing him climb after 2 years of relationship ?
Always hearing from him but nt seeing it till yesterday
Nvm, even if he dun win coze he is still my dear dear heee...
But i dun like him coze, he have given all his time yesterday to rock climbing while it was our anniversary yesterdy
2 years 4 months of celebration given to that 2pid wall
Seriously i'm unhappy about it
But there's nth i can do, coze it has pass...
Good right !
Blogged @ 10/18/2009 08:42:00 AM |
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Today is the 2nd last day of work :)
I really love this job muahah ...
epically the pay haha
Some more its slack too
Of course my boss is super nice too
Morning, i received an sms from my boss
She told me to cab to her house again to collect new worksheets before heading to the office
Wow , today she gave me 6 stacks of worksheet
with 3 stack that i need to photocopy them
Photocopy took me almost one hour haha ...
Work and work and work , that i didnt took my lunch
Work and work and work and i end at 7pm today late right hee
Actually i wanna work longer, to finish the work
But i cant take it coze i felt that i have breathing difficulty again
Dunno why, this month this happen for quite a number of times already
Really dunno wat is happening to me ...
Dying soon ? lol
Tml will be the last day, boss going to have lunch with me at JP ahaha ..
She's treating me lunch
wonder what will we have tomorrow :)
Huang says that i'm crazy for being happy hee...
Blogged @ 10/15/2009 10:03:00 PM |
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blogged @ 10/14/2009 11:31:00 PM |
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Cockroach without a head can actually live?
Came in to office at 8.30 am today :)
On my lap top, check my mail and i found out that my boss wants me to go over to her place to get some worksheets
Coze she will only be in the office in the afternoon and i need some work to do hee
So in the end i cab from NIE block to Executive apartment in NTU itself
hahah ...
OMG i'm like lost when i reached there not knowing which block is it coze i didnt read my email properly
Search for 5 mins, going up and down
Finally found her apartment heee
Get the worksheets from her and some chatting before i went down
The cab was wating for me and the meter is still "jumping" while i'm going up
Coze i was told that its difficult to get a cab there
So i gt the cab uncle to wait for me
Such a short route, when i gt up the cab i saw the price was $10 plus wth !
Then i cab back to NIE block again
Reach there at $11.60
Wat a expensive trip
Lucky my boss paid me for cabbing heee...
I came across this worksheet which states that :
Is it true?
I really didnt know about it man
Incredible haha !
Blogged @ 10/14/2009 02:06:00 PM |
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
LIFE ? Bored

Life as usual today
Report for work at 8.30am and ended work at 6pm today
Different thing is that i have a super pain headache
Was supposed to meet my darling KT but its too pain tat i cancel the meeting
Sorry darling :)
Finally we spoke today after being strangers for several weeks
But only a few words coze he have to go work
Seriously i really dunno what happen but when you are better or not as tired then we will talk ba
Lucky you still didn't leave me :)
Its just all misunderstanding between us
I felt neglected very neglected
However its ok
I will not think of it so much, coze there's nth that can be done
But i'm really feel very sad about this
Hope that when school reopen, when i have my friends around me , i'll be better
I have something in mind which also subconsciously pushes me away from looking forward to school reopening.
Just dun wanna bump into you anymore
Blogged @ 10/13/2009 09:57:00 PM |
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Met up with dear dear for dinner at Bugis yesterday
I was just desperately craving for PASTAMANIA haha !!!
Ordered Aglio Olio haha ...
2pid boy ordered the same thing as me, copy cat ... BLEAH
Had the meal and i'm like FULL haha ...
After my combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner haha !!
We went off , coze he have to attend a hall competition
Hate you !
On the way to the cab, saw COCO LEE !!!
So pretty hee.. and so many ppl were there
Coze someone suddenly appear to call us out for dinner ahhaah ...
Love the time with them seriously
LOVEIT hahaa ..
Sat down at Mac Cafe to chill and chat and GOSSIP
Muahahah ....
Receive a msg from 2pid boy that he gt into final for that 2pid snooker compeition
1ST in place
Clever ah someone haha ...
Other than this he gt position for some other 2pid competitions
Because of all these 2pid competiton he gt no time for me
Nvm... shall not complain coze there's nth i can do and will be done .
Work from 8 30 - 12pm today
Zi lian a little bit in the office before i knock off :)
Had to go school for the sparc main com meeting heee ...
Farhan said that i'm not ok in my brain hha a...
Maybe? you wont know haha ...
Settle different issues etc
Talked about camps and we have come out with funny ideas for it
But shalll not disclose it here hee...
By just talking about it makes all of us feel excited MUAHAHA
Evil laughter !
KT cant attend the meeting due to her work
Instead Eliza, Farhan and me went to Doby Ghuat to ROCHO haha ..
Chat all the way there and while eating hee..
Talked about so so many things
This type of small gathering is good ! !!!
Love it too
Soon after farhan went off, eliza and me went off too
Just some little shopping before we went home of course heeee...
Blogged @ 10/12/2009 10:46:00 PM |
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