Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Having been bloggin since last week hee ...
Was like busy this few days
Monday and Tuesday having swimming lesson
So tired !!!
Hee... I managed to master free style now
But its so so tired
Its like much much more tired as compared to breast stroke
Gonna swim more to brush up my skills :)
Love swimming with Eliza
Like what she say i can proudly say that i have a new hobby : SWIMMING hee...
Had Professional Communication course today
Nice !
REally thumbs up for Kelvin Sng the trainer for today
He's cool coze besides being a trainer he's also a film director : )
After P.C i had a meeting together with the magic show committee.
So tired ...
Just reached home not long ago
Feel my eye closing now ...
Gonna go rebond my hair tml if nth goes wrong :)
Preparing for new year heee...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Having been bloggin since last week hee ...
Was like busy this few days
Monday and Tuesday having swimming lesson
So tired !!!
Hee... I managed to master free style now
But its so so tired
Its like much much more tired as compared to breast stroke
Gonna swim more to brush up my skills :)
Love swimming with Eliza
Like what she say i can proudly say that i have a new hobby : SWIMMING hee...
Had Professional Communication course today
Nice !
REally thumbs up for Kelvin Sng the trainer for today
He's cool coze besides being a trainer he's also a film director : )
After P.C i had a meeting together with the magic show committee.
So tired ...
Just reached home not long ago
Feel my eye closing now ...
Gonna go rebond my hair tml if nth goes wrong :)
Preparing for new year heee...

[[ 06 September 2011 ]]
Hey! Im
Yosuke Hanamura. Born at
22nd June 1995. From
Inaba, Japan and studying at
Yasogami High. My father is a manager of Junes. Which makes me kinda "FAMOUS" around many people from Shopping District lately.
And I got a Persona named
Jiraiya a few months ago. When i met this guy named Souji Seta who moved here on April. That also is when this murdering thing started. He's also a persona user so, i wont think him as the suspect. Chie and the others are persona user too.
We will always do our best to solve this bizarre murder case! I hate exams and homeworks.
Studying sucks. I always brought my headphone anywhere. And
I Love Aiko Shintaro. This skin's designer. Shes my girlfriend, y'know? <3
What I wish
Be Aiko's Boyfriend
Solve the murder case
Loves & Hates
What i love and what i hate
♥ Aiko Shintaro
♥ Aiko Shintaro
X Exams
X Mr. Morooka
X Ms. Kashiwagi
Our Beloved Friends
A - B - C - D - E
Slot 1
Just an empty slot.
anything here.
Slot 2
Just an empty slot.
anything here.