Monday, April 26, 2010
Beautiful Sunday
Met up with dear dear in the afternoon at town
We went Far East for his itouch
Bought it at the same shop as me : )
We bought a itouch cover each @Gmarket
Blue and red hee ...

We went to watch the Bounty Hunter after that
I dun really know how to rate this show
Maybe 3.5 stars?
It has its laughing point and comedy in it

I'm waiting for next few nice movies to be out :)
Gonna watch Iron man 2 with my company next monday :)
Went to meet my godfather and mother at Clementi in the evening
Gotta go to some CC to give support to my godmother :)

Here she is
Arent she cute ?
haha !
I went up the stage to present her flowers
So sweet right hee ! :)
Monday monday
1st day of the week
And i've gt OT
It's ok ... At least i can finish some of my work
But there's still some left
Gonna continue them tml
But i'm enjoying it :)
Oh ya Dear dear just told me that he receives his enlistment letter
Going in, on the 4th of June
I'm publicizing for him heeee
We shall go Batam
Provided i can ... hee
Monday, April 26, 2010
Beautiful Sunday
Met up with dear dear in the afternoon at town
We went Far East for his itouch
Bought it at the same shop as me : )
We bought a itouch cover each @Gmarket
Blue and red hee ...

We went to watch the Bounty Hunter after that
I dun really know how to rate this show
Maybe 3.5 stars?
It has its laughing point and comedy in it

I'm waiting for next few nice movies to be out :)
Gonna watch Iron man 2 with my company next monday :)
Went to meet my godfather and mother at Clementi in the evening
Gotta go to some CC to give support to my godmother :)

Here she is
Arent she cute ?
haha !
I went up the stage to present her flowers
So sweet right hee ! :)
Monday monday
1st day of the week
And i've gt OT
It's ok ... At least i can finish some of my work
But there's still some left
Gonna continue them tml
But i'm enjoying it :)
Oh ya Dear dear just told me that he receives his enlistment letter
Going in, on the 4th of June
I'm publicizing for him heeee
We shall go Batam
Provided i can ... hee

[[ 06 September 2011 ]]
Hey! Im
Yosuke Hanamura. Born at
22nd June 1995. From
Inaba, Japan and studying at
Yasogami High. My father is a manager of Junes. Which makes me kinda "FAMOUS" around many people from Shopping District lately.
And I got a Persona named
Jiraiya a few months ago. When i met this guy named Souji Seta who moved here on April. That also is when this murdering thing started. He's also a persona user so, i wont think him as the suspect. Chie and the others are persona user too.
We will always do our best to solve this bizarre murder case! I hate exams and homeworks.
Studying sucks. I always brought my headphone anywhere. And
I Love Aiko Shintaro. This skin's designer. Shes my girlfriend, y'know? <3
What I wish
Be Aiko's Boyfriend
Solve the murder case
Loves & Hates
What i love and what i hate
♥ Aiko Shintaro
♥ Aiko Shintaro
X Exams
X Mr. Morooka
X Ms. Kashiwagi
Our Beloved Friends
A - B - C - D - E
Slot 1
Just an empty slot.
anything here.
Slot 2
Just an empty slot.
anything here.