Sunday, June 20, 2010
Was supposed to watch movie and meet up with some other friends
But seats for movie were all full ... SIANZ
Didnt meet up with others in the end coze most cant make it
So we shall have another session where most can make it : )
In the end we wallk around Raffles City, Marina Square and Suntec for the whole day
I saw Charles n Keith bag !
I wanna buy
Shall wait for foong yee (my colleague) to see whether she's getting any :)
Went to Makan Sutra to have a small bite
The food is super nice heee
Met up with Eliza coze she's alone :)
Walked around till Mark came and we part from there

Baby and i thought it's still a little early
So we went over to Helix bridge and Marina Bay Sands to have a walk

baby with his new cap :)

I love this photo so much !

After walking we were so tired
No bus due to road closure
In the end we took a cab home
Leg super duper tired !
This is the broken nail i was talking about at the previous post
Super pain can
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Was supposed to watch movie and meet up with some other friends
But seats for movie were all full ... SIANZ
Didnt meet up with others in the end coze most cant make it
So we shall have another session where most can make it : )
In the end we wallk around Raffles City, Marina Square and Suntec for the whole day
I saw Charles n Keith bag !
I wanna buy
Shall wait for foong yee (my colleague) to see whether she's getting any :)
Went to Makan Sutra to have a small bite
The food is super nice heee
Met up with Eliza coze she's alone :)
Walked around till Mark came and we part from there

Baby and i thought it's still a little early
So we went over to Helix bridge and Marina Bay Sands to have a walk

baby with his new cap :)

I love this photo so much !

After walking we were so tired
No bus due to road closure
In the end we took a cab home
Leg super duper tired !
This is the broken nail i was talking about at the previous post
Super pain can

[[ 06 September 2011 ]]
Hey! Im
Yosuke Hanamura. Born at
22nd June 1995. From
Inaba, Japan and studying at
Yasogami High. My father is a manager of Junes. Which makes me kinda "FAMOUS" around many people from Shopping District lately.
And I got a Persona named
Jiraiya a few months ago. When i met this guy named Souji Seta who moved here on April. That also is when this murdering thing started. He's also a persona user so, i wont think him as the suspect. Chie and the others are persona user too.
We will always do our best to solve this bizarre murder case! I hate exams and homeworks.
Studying sucks. I always brought my headphone anywhere. And
I Love Aiko Shintaro. This skin's designer. Shes my girlfriend, y'know? <3
What I wish
Be Aiko's Boyfriend
Solve the murder case
Loves & Hates
What i love and what i hate
♥ Aiko Shintaro
♥ Aiko Shintaro
X Exams
X Mr. Morooka
X Ms. Kashiwagi
Our Beloved Friends
A - B - C - D - E
Slot 1
Just an empty slot.
anything here.
Slot 2
Just an empty slot.
anything here.