Sunday, October 31, 2010
Little India trip
Went to beach road with dear yesterday
Actually it brings me back some memories ...
Quite a lot in fact

we had lunch and had chocolate fondue ...
Love this
ya ..
Took a walk at orchard road after buying some stuff at beach road
We went to watch the legend of guardian quite a nice show
But i fall asleep in the middle part haha ...
Oh we met KT and John before the movie
And the funny gal dun even know its me when i went to her hahah ...
Funny darling :)

Had Sakura ice cream at Cla's recommended store :)
It's $2 this time coze its promotion heee ...

We went Little india next :)

Wanna go see how they spend their new year :)
nth much actually or we didnt know where the exact place
hahah ...

We ate indian cusine there :)
Dear didnt kknow how to order
Lucky there's me ... : )
Clever evelyn muahahha

Too spicy thats why he's crying hahah

I had Henna ! :) $5

Nice right !
I'm loving it

And after the henna dried off it will fall off and would be like the above picture
Weekend just passed so quickly
Before you even notice it
It's over
Working tml again
And i'm yet to think of what do i wanna achieve in work wise
Hmmmm ...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Little India trip
Went to beach road with dear yesterday
Actually it brings me back some memories ...
Quite a lot in fact

we had lunch and had chocolate fondue ...
Love this
ya ..
Took a walk at orchard road after buying some stuff at beach road
We went to watch the legend of guardian quite a nice show
But i fall asleep in the middle part haha ...
Oh we met KT and John before the movie
And the funny gal dun even know its me when i went to her hahah ...
Funny darling :)

Had Sakura ice cream at Cla's recommended store :)
It's $2 this time coze its promotion heee ...

We went Little india next :)

Wanna go see how they spend their new year :)
nth much actually or we didnt know where the exact place
hahah ...

We ate indian cusine there :)
Dear didnt kknow how to order
Lucky there's me ... : )
Clever evelyn muahahha

Too spicy thats why he's crying hahah

I had Henna ! :) $5

Nice right !
I'm loving it

And after the henna dried off it will fall off and would be like the above picture
Weekend just passed so quickly
Before you even notice it
It's over
Working tml again
And i'm yet to think of what do i wanna achieve in work wise
Hmmmm ...

[[ 06 September 2011 ]]
Hey! Im
Yosuke Hanamura. Born at
22nd June 1995. From
Inaba, Japan and studying at
Yasogami High. My father is a manager of Junes. Which makes me kinda "FAMOUS" around many people from Shopping District lately.
And I got a Persona named
Jiraiya a few months ago. When i met this guy named Souji Seta who moved here on April. That also is when this murdering thing started. He's also a persona user so, i wont think him as the suspect. Chie and the others are persona user too.
We will always do our best to solve this bizarre murder case! I hate exams and homeworks.
Studying sucks. I always brought my headphone anywhere. And
I Love Aiko Shintaro. This skin's designer. Shes my girlfriend, y'know? <3
What I wish
Be Aiko's Boyfriend
Solve the murder case
Loves & Hates
What i love and what i hate
♥ Aiko Shintaro
♥ Aiko Shintaro
X Exams
X Mr. Morooka
X Ms. Kashiwagi
Our Beloved Friends
A - B - C - D - E
Slot 1
Just an empty slot.
anything here.
Slot 2
Just an empty slot.
anything here.