Saturday, February 19, 2011
My Detox/ Diet Programme for the Week
Got this plan from my colleague, Catherine
Her friend lost 4kg after trying this heee...
That tempted me to try too
I tried this with my mentor heee...
1st day Is fruits day
So the whole you can have as many fruits you want
Best to have melons
No banana.
2nd Day

Yup it's vegy day
Had veg for the whole day
I didnt had my breakfast and dinner when i'm doing this haha ..
I didnt dare to eat breakfast coze i think i'll be hungry if i start eating
So i waited till lunch b4 i start to fill my stomach
And almost every evening i didnt have time to eat too ...
3rd Day

Is vegy and fruits day
Can have as many as you want too
I got mummy to boil some veg for me to bring to work
My mentor and i shared the portion hee...
By the time we went for our meeting in the afternoon
We were dead hungry ahah
So he got some fruits

Saw my messy table ?
My work is like piling higher and higher ...
Lucky i mange to clear some of them
4th day

It's banana and milk day hee..
Can only have banana and milk for the whole day
I only had 3 banana for half a carton of milk on thurday

My team went for a buffet session
And i accompany them there but didnt eat hee..
The desert there tempted me
But hmmm i still stand firm

My team had lo shang in the restaurant hee...
I had to ate this ..
So hmmmm ...

The funny thing is, when we were about to put the pepper
We didnt know what aupicious things should be say and everyone was like i dunno leh haha ...

5th Day
It's rice and tomato day
OMg the tomato sucks big time hhaha
so i didnt ate much too
Went dinner and i had salad
The salad isnt that nice too :(
Went clubbing yesterday night
Suddenly had the urge so gt zk and eliza haha
Like wow finally we can go clubbing !
i haven been clubbing like so so so so long!
Shared a jar of whisky coke with Eliza and her friend
And didnt felt anything
So we ordered tequila shots , 2 shots each
And later had little of mark's and eliza's vodka crane berry
Mix mix mix hmmm a little high le
so we headed to the dance floor when the songs are finally out hee...
Saw Dayang there too
It's his first time hee...
So happy to see my kor kor
I vomitted yesterday too
It was like my 1st time vomitting coze of alcohol
Really vomitted quite a lot
But i dunno where did the things came from
Coze i didnt have much this week
And i forgot i didnt eat any oil food before i went to drink
That results me in vomitting hee..
Left St james @ about 3am
Went home and i vomitted again haha ...
Seh ... and i went to sleep hee...
Now i'm doing my project :)
Gonna stay at home the whole i think heee..
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My Detox/ Diet Programme for the Week
Got this plan from my colleague, Catherine
Her friend lost 4kg after trying this heee...
That tempted me to try too
I tried this with my mentor heee...
1st day Is fruits day
So the whole you can have as many fruits you want
Best to have melons
No banana.
2nd Day

Yup it's vegy day
Had veg for the whole day
I didnt had my breakfast and dinner when i'm doing this haha ..
I didnt dare to eat breakfast coze i think i'll be hungry if i start eating
So i waited till lunch b4 i start to fill my stomach
And almost every evening i didnt have time to eat too ...
3rd Day

Is vegy and fruits day
Can have as many as you want too
I got mummy to boil some veg for me to bring to work
My mentor and i shared the portion hee...
By the time we went for our meeting in the afternoon
We were dead hungry ahah
So he got some fruits

Saw my messy table ?
My work is like piling higher and higher ...
Lucky i mange to clear some of them
4th day

It's banana and milk day hee..
Can only have banana and milk for the whole day
I only had 3 banana for half a carton of milk on thurday

My team went for a buffet session
And i accompany them there but didnt eat hee..
The desert there tempted me
But hmmm i still stand firm

My team had lo shang in the restaurant hee...
I had to ate this ..
So hmmmm ...

The funny thing is, when we were about to put the pepper
We didnt know what aupicious things should be say and everyone was like i dunno leh haha ...

5th Day
It's rice and tomato day
OMg the tomato sucks big time hhaha
so i didnt ate much too
Went dinner and i had salad
The salad isnt that nice too :(
Went clubbing yesterday night
Suddenly had the urge so gt zk and eliza haha
Like wow finally we can go clubbing !
i haven been clubbing like so so so so long!
Shared a jar of whisky coke with Eliza and her friend
And didnt felt anything
So we ordered tequila shots , 2 shots each
And later had little of mark's and eliza's vodka crane berry
Mix mix mix hmmm a little high le
so we headed to the dance floor when the songs are finally out hee...
Saw Dayang there too
It's his first time hee...
So happy to see my kor kor
I vomitted yesterday too
It was like my 1st time vomitting coze of alcohol
Really vomitted quite a lot
But i dunno where did the things came from
Coze i didnt have much this week
And i forgot i didnt eat any oil food before i went to drink
That results me in vomitting hee..
Left St james @ about 3am
Went home and i vomitted again haha ...
Seh ... and i went to sleep hee...
Now i'm doing my project :)
Gonna stay at home the whole i think heee..

[[ 06 September 2011 ]]
Hey! Im
Yosuke Hanamura. Born at
22nd June 1995. From
Inaba, Japan and studying at
Yasogami High. My father is a manager of Junes. Which makes me kinda "FAMOUS" around many people from Shopping District lately.
And I got a Persona named
Jiraiya a few months ago. When i met this guy named Souji Seta who moved here on April. That also is when this murdering thing started. He's also a persona user so, i wont think him as the suspect. Chie and the others are persona user too.
We will always do our best to solve this bizarre murder case! I hate exams and homeworks.
Studying sucks. I always brought my headphone anywhere. And
I Love Aiko Shintaro. This skin's designer. Shes my girlfriend, y'know? <3
What I wish
Be Aiko's Boyfriend
Solve the murder case
Loves & Hates
What i love and what i hate
♥ Aiko Shintaro
♥ Aiko Shintaro
X Exams
X Mr. Morooka
X Ms. Kashiwagi
Our Beloved Friends
A - B - C - D - E
Slot 1
Just an empty slot.
anything here.
Slot 2
Just an empty slot.
anything here.